
Prayer for Forgiveness

Prayer for Forgiveness 

(by Father Robert DeGrandis S.S.J. and Betty Tapscott)

Lord Jesus Christ, I ask today to forgive everyone in my life. I know that You will give me the strength to forgive and I thank You that You love me more than I love myself and want my happiness more than I desire it for myself.

Father, I forgive YOU for the times death has come into my family, hard times, financial difficulties, or what I thought were punishments sent by You and people said “It’s God’s will,” and I became bitter and resentful towards You. Purify my heart and mind today.

Lord, I forgive MYSELF for my sins, faults and failings, and for all that is bad in myself or that I think is bad. I forgive myself; and I accept Your forgiveness. I further forgive MYSELF for taking your name in vain, not worshiping You by attending church, for hurting my parents, getting drunk, for sins against purity, bad books, bad movies, [bad websites], fornication, adultery, homosexual acts. Also, for abortion, stealing, lying, defrauding, hurting peoples’ reputation, I forgive myself. You have forgiven me; today I forgive myself.

Thank you, Lord, for your grace at this moment.

I also forgive MYSELF for any delving in superstition, using ouija boards, horoscopes, going to séances, using fortune telling or wearing lucky charms, I reject all that superstition and choose You alone as my Lord and Savior. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit.

Lord Jesus, I truly forgive my MOTHER. I forgive her for all the times she hurt me, she resented me, she was angry with me and for all the times she punished me. I forgive her for the times she preferred my brothers and sisters to me. I forgive her for the times she told me I was dumb, ugly, stupid, the worst of the children or that I cost the family a lot of money. For the times she told me I was unwanted, an accident, a mistake or not what she expected, I forgive her.

Lord Jesus, I truly forgive my FATHER. I forgive him for any non-support, any lack of love, affection, or attention. I forgive him for any lack of time, for not giving me his companionship, for his drinking, arguing and fighting with my mother or the other children. For his severe punishments, for desertion, for being away from home, for divorcing my mother or for any running around, I do forgive him.

Lord, I extend forgiveness to my SISTERS AND BROTHERS. I forgive those who rejected me, lied about me, hated me, resented me, and competed for my parents’ love, those who hurt me, who physically harmed me. For those who were too severe on me, punished me or made my life unpleasant in any way, I do forgive them.

Lord, I forgive my SPOUSE for lack of love, affection, consideration, support, attention, communication; for faults, failings, weaknesses and those other acts or words that hurt or disturb me.

Jesus, I forgive my CHILDREN for their lack of respect, obedience, love, attention, support, warmth, and understanding; for their bad habits, falling away from the church, any bad actions which disturb me.

Lord God, I forgive my IN-LAWS, my mother-in-law, father-in-law, son/daughter-in-law and other relatives by marriage, who treat my family with a lack of love. For all their words, thoughts, actions or omissions, which injure and cause pain, I forgive them.

Please help me to forgive my RELATIVES, my grandmother and grandfather, aunts, uncles, cousins who may have interfered in our family, been possessive of my parents, who may have caused confusion or turned one parent against another.

Jesus, help me to forgive my CO-WORKERS who are disagreeable or make life miserable for me. For those who push their work off on me, gossip about me, won’t cooperate with me, try to take my job, I do forgive them.

My NEIGHBORS need to be forgiven, Lord. For all their noise, letting their property run down, not tying up their dogs who run through my yard, not taking in their trash barrels, being prejudiced and running down the neighborhood, I do forgive them.

I do forgive my CLERGYMAN, my CONGREGATION and my CHURCH; all priests, ministers, nuns, my parish, parish organizations, my pastor, bishop and the Pope for their lack of support, affirmation, bad sermons, pettiness, lack of friendliness, not providing my family with the inspiration we needed. [I forgive them for neglecting their vocation to promote the faith, provide the sacraments and protect their flock.] For any hurts they have inflicted on me or my family, even in the distant past, I forgive them today.

Lord, I forgive all those who are of different PERSUASIONS, those of opposite political views who have attacked me, ridiculed me, discriminated against me, made fun of me, economically hurt me.

I forgive those of different religious DENOMINATIONS AND BELIEFS who have harassed me, attacked me, argued with me, forced their views on me or my family.

Those who have harmed me ETHNICALLY, have discriminated against me, mocked me, made jokes about my race or nationality, hurt my family physically, emotionally or economically, I do forgive them today.

Lord, I forgive all PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE who have hurt me in any way: doctors, nurses, lawyers, judges, politicians and civil servants. I forgive all SERVICE PEOPLE: policemen, firemen, bus drivers, hospital workers and especially repairmen who have taken advantage of me in their work.

Lord, I forgive my EMPLOYER for not paying me enough money, for not appreciating my work, for being unkind and unreasonable with me, for being angry and unfriendly, for not promoting me, and for not complimenting me on my work.

Lord, I forgive my SCHOOLTEACHERS AND INSTRUCTORS of the past as well as the present. For those who punished me, humiliated me, insulted me, treated me unjustly, called me stupid, made me stay after school, I truly forgive them. For those who misled me, or neglected important skills or areas of study, I forgive them

Lord, I forgive my FRIENDS who have let me down, lost contact with me, do not support me, were not available when I needed help, borrowed money and did not return it, gossiped about me.

Lord Jesus, I especially pray for the grace of forgiveness for that ONE PERSON in life who has HURT ME THE MOST.

I ask to forgive anyone who I consider my greatest enemy, the one who is the hardest to forgive, the one I said I will never forgive.

Lord, I beg pardon of all these people for the hurt I have inflicted on them, especially my mother and father, and my marriage partner.

I am especially sorry for the three greatest hurts I have inflicted on each of these.

THANK YOU, JESUS, that I am being freed of the evil of unforgiveness. Let your Holy Spirit fill me with light and let every dark area of my mind be enlightened. AMEN.



This is an excerpt from the book Forgiveness & Inner Healing  by Father Robert DeGrandis S.S.J. and Betty Tapscott,

This prayer gives to most significant areas of forgiveness. This kind of prayer will give your mind other areas that need forgiveness. Let the Holy Spirit move freely and guide your mind to persons or groups you need to forgive.

Forgiveness is an act of the will, not a feeling. If we pray for a person, we can be assured that we have forgiven that person. To help accept an individual and open ourselves to a particular person more, picture that person with the Lord Jesus and say to the Lord, “I love him because You love him. I forgive him because You forgive him.”

Forgiveness is a life-long obligation. Daily we need to forgive those who hurt or injure us. 


This is an excerpt from the book Forgiveness & Inner Healing  by Father Robert DeGrandis S.S.J. and Betty Tapscott, available here.

Birth Order: Your Personality


Eldest Child

  •  Firstborn kids grow up to become either Bossy who controls, or a Nurturer who cares.
  •   Firstborns usually end up being the “good child” who has a keen sense of right and wrong (sometimes with black and white thinking), who are organized, and meticulous list-makers.
  • Normally, firstborns are more responsible.  More conscientious.  Because the oldest child usually is asked to care for their siblings, help them with their homework, bath the baby, feed the toddler, wash the dishes, sweep the floor, clean the toilet, cook for Daddy, pay the Bumbay
  •  Note: Sometimes, even if you’re not the eldest, but you’re the eldest boy or girl, you may have the traits of the firstborn too.  Sometimes, if there’s a five-year gap between you and the sibling you followed, you may also have the firstborn traits too.
  •  Firstborns are ambitious, assertive, dominant and disciplined compared to their younger siblings. They're determined to succeed yet fearful of losing position and rank, and are defensive about errors and mistakes.
  •  Professions: The oldest tend to pursue vocations that require higher education, like medicine, engineering or law. Firstborns from the survey reported working in jobs in government, engineering, pharmacy and science. Ohio State University researchers found firstborn children were more likely to pursue "intellectual" jobs.
  •  Job level: Workers who are firstborn are more likely to report holding a vice president or senior management position, according to the survey.
  • For example, out of the first 23 Astronauts who travelled through space, 21 were first born. 
  • Famous firstborns: Barak Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, and Kate Middleton, Winston Churchill, Sylvester Stallone and Bill Clinton.

Second Child

  • If the eldest child is brainy and has fantastic grades, the second child will try to de-identify and carve his own way of getting attention.  Perhaps he’ll go into sports.  Or music.  Or art.  Or he actually rebel and drop out.  This sometimes happens when the eldest child is a superstar—and the second child can’t seem to cope up.
  • Once a role is filled by the firstborn, the second-born will seek out a role that's completely the opposite.
  • Second-born kids are more rebellious and open to new experience


Middle Child

  •  Middle children—that’s second, third, or fourth—as long as you’re not the youngest.
  •  According to bestselling author Kevin Leman, middle children are the hardest to define because they can go to different directions. 
  • But here are their general characteristics:
  • They usually are amiable, a good team player, and want everyone to get along.  They don’t stand out in the crowd.  They are reliable, steady, loyal, and faithful.  They are also more secretive than firstborns and last borns.
  • Famous middles: Donald Trump, Elijah Wood, Bill Gates, Princess Diana, and Martin Luther King, Jr
  •  Middle children are good at negotiation, peacemaking and compromise, Dattner says. They are easy-going, diplomatic and are usually closer to friends than family.
  • Professions: Middles tend to have excellent negotiating and people skills -- anything that employs these skills is a great fit. Middle children from the survey said they work in nursing, law enforcement, firefighting and machine operation.
  • Job level: Middle children were more likely to identify with professional and technical staff level positions in the survey. They also reported being the most satisfied with their current positions.

Youngest Child

  • Generally, lastborns are outgoing and high on social skills.  They tend to be funny and are natural actors.  In fact, a significant number of comedians are lastborns.  They can be emotional and affectionate.
  • Because they are least likely to get punished, they sometimes think they can get away of wrongdoing.  They take risks more easily than their siblings.  They may be rebellious at times.  And they have short attention spans.
  • Lastborns gravitate towards careers in sales, arts, and music.    Many of the most successful comedians are youngest children. 
  • Rosie O'Donnell, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, Paula Abdul, and Lucy Liu., Charlie Chaplin
  • Professions: Youngest children often gravitate toward artistic and outdoor jobs, according to the OSU survey. They're also successful in journalism, advertising, sales and athletics. Those who responded to the survey reported working in art, design, sales and information technology.
  • Youngest children love the limelight and are used to sitting in it. They are charming, creative, have a good sense of humor and manipulate others when they want to get their way.

Only Children - Super Firstborns
  • They are confident, well spoken, pay enormous attention to detail, and tend to do well in school. Plus, spending so much time around grown-ups often makes onlies act like "little adults." Only children have never had to compete for their parents' attention or share toys with their siblings, so they do run the risk of developing a self-centered streak. They're also used to feeling important and may have a hard time when things don't necessarily go their way, Leman says. Because their role models are competent adults, onlies are even more susceptible to perfectionism than firstborns.
  • Natalie Portman, Adelle, Tiger Woods, Alicia Keys, Justin Bieber

  • Personality: Because of their equal status in terms of age and genes, twins are usually treated the same and turn out similarly. They tend to have different personalities and interests, but are closer to each other than other siblings and tend to have less conflict with each other than other siblings
  • Famous twins: Richard and Raymond Guttierez, Abigail and Esther Friedman ("Dear Abby" and "Ann Landers"); Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen; Joel and Benji Madden; and Jenna and Barbara Bush

A new study by Disney has been released to mark National Sibling Day (10 April) and commemorate the relationship between sisters Elsa and Anna in the Disney hit Frozen.
Led by psychologist Emma Kenny, the researchers found significant evidence to support the theory that birth order has a tangible and marked effect on career paths.


Personality Influenced by Birth Order
Warning: If my description doesn't fit your personality, that means you're an exception.  One reason?  You or your family probably experienced a trauma.  Such as a death in the family.  Separation.  Chronic illness.  Poverty.  Emotional or physical abuse.  If the “birth order” were a computer program, trauma is like a virus that disrupts the program.

  • The Birth Order Book: Why You Are the Way You Are
  •  Dr. Kevin Leman - psychologist  who studied Birth Order
  • Bo Sanchez